Chapter 2 • Installing the indoor equipment
1033295-0001 Revision 2
Chapter 2
Installing the indoor equipment
System pre-installation
Check to be sure both you and the customer have fulfilled all
system and site requirements before beginning installation.
Installation PC requirements
The installer laptop PC must fulfill the following requirements.
• Ethernet enabled network interface card (NIC) and Ethernet
• Windows 98 SE, Windows Me, Windows 2000, or Windows
XP with DHCP configured to automatically obtain IP
addresses. Appendix D – Configuring the installer laptop for
IP addressing, on page 121.
• Internet Explorer 5.5 or 6.0 and that the browser is not using
any proxy settings.
• Customer PC qualification tool disk or CD.
• Dial-out modem if not using satellite-based commissioning
• Installer software installed if not using SBC. See Installing
the DW6000 using SBC on page 11.
Customer installation
The customer must provide a computer with:
• Operating system
– PC: Windows 98 SE, Windows Me, Windows 2000,
Windows XP
– MAC: 9.0 - 10.2 (excludes 10.0)
• Processor
– PC: Pentium II 333 Mhz or faster
– MAC: 300 Mhz or faster
• Memory
– PC: 64MB RAM, Windows 98SE and Me; 128MB RAM
Windows 2000 and XP.
– MAC: 128MB
• Free hard drive space
– PC: 100MB
– MAC: 150MB