• Addressing – Contains addressing information such as LAN port address and subnet mask and available public IP
addresses (if any, depending on your service plan).
• Software Features – This section lists the optional features and provides information on whether they are currently
active. These features are enabled or disabled per your service plan and cannot be changed locally.
State codes
A state code is a number that indicates the operational state of the satellite modem. Some state codes indicate an error
condition. State codes are identied as State code followed by a number from 1 – 35. They are displayed with an
explanation in words, as shown in the following example.
State codes appear on screens displayed during a hard reboot (when power is removed and then restored) and on System
Control Center pages.
Figure 19: Examples of state codes
Table 5: State codes on page 20 lists and explains all HN9000 state codes.
In the state code table, modem refers to the satellite modem.
Table 5: State codes
Corrective actionExplanationState nameState code
Installation – Boot phase
Transient – No action is necessary.Satellite modem is starting up in boot
Starting Up in Boot
Transient – No action is necessary.Modem has not been installed, and
installation parameters have not been
Waiting for Installation
Transient – No action is necessary.Antenna pointing is in progress
(coarse or ne pointing). Occurs
during modem installation only.
Coarse Pointing in
Transient – No action is necessary.
Occurs during Auto modem
replacement only: Modem is searching
for beacon.
Acquiring Beacon in Boot4
Transient – No action is necessary.
Occurs during Auto modem
replacement only: Modem is searching
for point-to-point signal.
Acquiring PTP SNR in
Installer should switch polarization.Modem is waiting for installer to
switch uplink polarization at the radio
Waiting for Uplink
Polarization Change
assembly. Occurs during installation
System Control CenterHN9000 Satellite Modem User Guide –
1037577-0001 Rev. A
Chapter 2