1. Place the new backrest cover on the floor behind the chair.
2. Connect the large connector.
3. Align the end of the yellow-and-green ground wire with the corresponding hole in the chair frame, then replace the screw to secure it.
4. Thread the remote control cables from the backrest through the backrest cover, so that they are accessible after the backrest cover is installed.
5. Place the backrest cover into position, aligning the four screw holes.
6. Using a 4 mm (5/32") Allen key, replace the four backrest screws. NOTE: Be sure to use the two longer screws in the upper screw holes and
the two shorter screws in the lower screw holes.
7. Reconnect the remote control cables, then push the cables into the backrest.
8. Using the Phillips-head screwdriver, replace the four remote control bracket screws.
Please send any questions or comments regarding these instructions to: documentation@humantouch.com
© 2013 Human Touch
, LLC.