Please read the Theory of Operation in the front of the manual for a detailed explanation
of the ID feature. Below are some tips to help you use this advanced ID feature:
A. The bottom and anything attached to the bottom are displayed in black.
B. Objects at least three inches off the bottom are displayed in red. This makes it very
easy to find fish, particularly those close to the bottom.
C. In some instances it will be possible to detect inanimate objects not attached to the
bottom, such as a floating log or tip of a branch. In this case the return will be displayed
in red, because it is not possible to distinguish between animate and inanimate returns.
D. Strong signals are displayed with a red over a black dot. This makes it easy to find
bigger fish because they are easily separated from the weaker returns that are
displayed in red only.
E. A large fish that is directly under the transducer will reflect a stronger signal than the
same size fish at the edge of the transmitted signal, as shown in the drawing.
F. With the LCR's signal strength indicator you can also tell more about schooling fish.
A school of fish displayed as a group of red dots with a black core would indicate a very
dense school or one that has some large fish. Smaller schooling fish would be displayed
in red only.
G. The LCR4-ID and LCR40-ID identification feature has been designed to be easy-to-
use and easy-to-understand. It will add fun to your fishing and give you more fish-finding