S If the machine is leaking fuel. Check
regularly for leaks from the fuel cap
and fuel lines.
S Avoid all skin contact with fuel. Fuel is
a skin i rritant and may even cause
skin changes.
Transporting and storage
S Store and transport the machine and fuel
so that there is no risk of any leakage or
fumes coming into contact with sparks or
naked flames, for example, from electri-
cal machinery, electric motors, electrical
relays/switches or boilers.
S When storing and transporting fuel al-
ways use approved containers intended
for this purpose.
S When storing the machine for long peri-
ods the fuel tank must be emptied. Con-
tact your local gas station to find out
where to dispose of excess fuel.
General working instructions
This section describes the basic safety pre-
cautions for working with trimmers. If you
encounter a situation where you are uncer-
tain how to proceed you should ask an ex-
pert. Contact your servicing dealer.
Avoid all usage which you consider to be
beyond your capability.
Yo u must understand the difference between
forestry clearing, grass clearing and grass
trimmi ng before use.
Basic safety rules
1. Look around you:
S To ensure that people, animals or other
things cannot affect your control of the
S To ensure that people, animals, etc.,
do not come into contact with the cut-
ting attachment or loose objects that
are thrown out by the cutting attach-
S CAUTION! Do not use the m achine
unless you are able to call for help in
the event of an accident.
2. Do not use the machine in bad weather,
such as dense fog, heavy rain, strong
wind, intense cold, etc. Working in bad
weather is tiring and often brings added
risks, such as icy ground, unpredictable
felling direction, etc.
3. Ma ke su re y o u ca n mo
e and stand sa
Check the area around you for possible ob-
stacles (roots, rocks, branches, ditches, etc.)
in case you have to move suddenly. Take
great care when working on sloping ground.
4. Switch off the engine before moving to
another area.
5. Never put the machine down with the engine
runnin g.
Basic working techniques
S Always slow the en gine to idle speed after
each working operation. Long periods at
full throttle without any load on the engine
can lead to serious engine damage.
Grass trimming using a trimmer
S Hold the trimmer head just above the
ground at an angle. It is the end of the trim-
mer line that does the work. Let the trim-
mer line work at its own pace. Never press
the trimmer line into t he area to be cut.
S The trimmer line can easily remove grass
and weeds up against walls, fences, trees
and borders, however it can also damage
sensitive bark on trees and bushes, and
damage fence posts.
S Reduce the risk of damaging plants by short-
ening the trimmer line to 4--4 1/2 inches
(10--12 cm) and reducing the engine speed.
S Whe n trim ming you should use less than
full throttle so that the trimmer line lasts
longer and to reduce the wear on the
trimmer head.
W ARNING! Sometimes branches
or grass get caught between the
guard and cutting attachment.
Always stop the engine before
WARNING! Take care when han-
dling fuel. Bear in mind the risk of
fire, explosion and inhaling fumes.