545196786 Rev. 2 4/30/09
This product is in accor dance
with applicable EC directives.
Noise emission to the
envir onment according to the
European Community’s
Directive. The machine’ s
emission is specified in the
Techni cal data section and
on label.
Sound pressure level at
7,5 metres.
Use unleaded or quality leaded
petrol and two--stroke oil
mixed at a ratio of 2% (1:50).
Oth er symbols/ decals on th e machine
refer to special certi fication require ments
for certa in markets.
Stop the engine by pushing
and holding the stop swit ch
in the STOP posit ion. CAUTION!
The st op swit ch automat ically
returns to the start pos ition.
In order to prev ent unintent ional
star ting, the spark plug cap must be
removed from the spark plug when
assem bling, ch ecking and/or
performing maintenance.
Regular cleaning is required.
Visual check.
Approved eye protection must
always be used.
WARNING: Clearing saws, brush-
cutters and trimmers ca n be dan-
gerous! C areless or incor rect use
can result in serious or fatal
injury to the operator or others.
Please read the operat or’s manual
caref ull y and make su re yo u
underst and the inst ruct ions
before using the machine .
Always wear:
S A protective helmet whe re there
is a risk of falli ng obje cts
S Hearing protect ion
S Approved eye protection
Max. speed of output shaft, rpm
Beware of t hrown objects and
The operator of the machine
shall ensure, w hile working,
that no persons or animals
come closer than 15 metres.
Machines fitted with gras s blades
can be thrown violently to the side
when the blade comes into contact
with a fixed object. The blade is
capable of amputating an arm or
leg. Alway s keep people and
animals at least 15 metres from
the machine.
Arrows which show limits for
handle mounting.
Always wear approved protective
Use anti--slip and stable boots.
Only use non--metallic, f lexible
cutting attachments, i.e. trimme r
heads with trimmer line.