English 3 (5)
New message codes in display
For improved diagnostic some extra message-codes have been added to the message
“Electronic problem”. The message code appears within parenthesis after the message in mower
display. The message code is not stored in the message history list nor in Autocheck logle.
Code Message Cause Action
501 Electronic problem Communication
problem between MMI cir-
cuit board and Main circuit
Main switch Off/On
Check that wire between MMI circuit board and
Main circuit board is properly
Replace MMI circuit board
Replace Main circuit board
502 Electronic problem MMI circuit board memory
Replace MMI circuit board
503 Electronic problem Keyboard problem Check that wire between keyboard and MMI circuit
board is properly connected.
Replace keyboard
Replace MMI circuit board
504 Electronic problem Display problem Replace MMI circuit board
505 Electronic problem Parameter problem Replace MMI circuit board