• If grass is extremely tall, it should be mowed twice to reduce
load and possible fire hazard from dried clip pings. Make
first cut relatively high; the second to the desired height.
• Do not mow grass when it is wet. Wet grass will plug
mower and leave undesirable clumps. Allow grass to
dry before mowing.
• Always operate engine at full throttle when mow-
ing to assure better mowing performance and proper
dis charge of material. Regulate ground speed by se -
lect ing a low enough gear to give the mower cut ting
per for mance as well as the quality of cut desired.
• When operating attachments, select a ground speed
that will suit the terrain and give best performance of
the at tach ment being used.
TO DUMP BAGGER (See Fig. 20)
Your tractor is equipped with a Dump Bag Alarm. To turn
off the alarm disengage the attachment clutch.
• Position tractor in location you wish to dump bag ger.
• Place motion control lever in neu tral po si tion and set
parking brake.
• Raise dump handle to its highest position. Pull han-
dle forward to raise bagger and dump clippings.
• To continue mowing, be sure bag ger is down and in prop-
er operating po si tion which will allow mower to operate.
Fig. 20
(Converting to mulching or rear dis charg ing will require a
mulcher plug and discharge deflector)
MULCHING (Requires mulcher plug)
• Place deck into the high cut po si tion.
• Remove bagger or optional rear dis charge de flec tor.
• Unhook the two (2) straps and re move discharge chute
BAGGING (See Fig. 22)
• Place deck into the high cut po si tion.
• Remove the rear discharge deflector or mulching plug.
• Insert the discharge chute into the opening in the
backplate and onto the mower deck adaptor.
• Attach the chute to the tractor by hooking the two straps
to the flange of the chute.
NOTE: The strap hook must go through the discharge chute
only. Do not allow the hook to enter the slot in the tractor
back plate. If it does, the discharge chute will not float with
the mower deck when mowing on uneven terrain.
• Install bagger onto tractor.
REAR DISCHARGING (optional accessory re quired)
• Place deck into the high cut position.
• Remove bagger and mulching plug (if installed).
• Depress rear door and install dis charge chute through
opening in backplate and slide over deck adaptor.
• Attach the chute by hooking the two straps into the
holes in the flange of the chute.
NOTE: The strap hook must go through the discharge chute
only. Do not allow the hook to enter the slot in the tractor
back plate. If it does, the discharge chute will not float with
the mower deck when mowing on uneven terrain.
• Install the discharge deflector to the backplate by
screw ing the four (4) wing screws into the threaded
inserts located in the backplate.
• Tighten the wing screws securely.
Fig. 21
Fig. 22
• Insert mulcher plug and handle as sem bly through back
plate and onto the mower deck chute adap tor.
• Secure the plug assembly by con nect ing the two straps
over the han dle and hook into the holes pro vid ed .
• Replace bagger or optional rear dis charge de flec tor to
allow mower to operate.
You are now ready to begin mulching.