26 – English
1 Pull the belt through the opening under the pivot bearing
and on the outside past the belt tensioner's disc.
2 Pull the belt under the engine belt pulleys and fit it on the
engine belt pulley.
3 Fit the belt on the pump's pulley.
4 Fit the cooling fan.
5 Check that the centre belt is fitted correctly on its front
pulley and fit the centre belt on the engine's pulley.
6 Fit the belt guide for the centre belt.
7 Fit the spring on the belt tensioner.
Replacing the centre belt
Remove the rear belt guide for the centre belt.
Remove the centre belt and mount a new belt.
Fit and adjust the belt guide with the lower belt on the engine
belt pulley.
Fit the hose holder.
Check and adjust the belt tensioner. This is especially
important when fitting a new belt.
Replacing the front belt
The entire belt is removed according to the following when a
snow blade is to be attached to the machine.
1 Put the unit in the service position, see Service position
for the cutting unit.
2 Pull the centre belt off of the centre pulley. The belt
becomes slack when the cutting unit is lifted.
3 Take off the front belt from the centre pulley and remove
the belt.