When R.H., (Right Hand) or L.H. (Left Hand) are used, it
means from a position behind the steering wheel as If you
were seated on the tractor seat and facing forward.
NOTE: Remove mower deck from tractor before mounting
tiller attachment.
• Remove tiller and bag of parts from carton.
Place tiller on level ground so that tractor can be backed
up to it for assembly.
CAUTION: Tiller will be heavy when
per form ing the following step.
Adjust tiller gauge wheels so that engine is level (Fig. 1).
• Remove retainer spring from drilled rivet.
• Remove rivet and adjust gauge wheels up or down
as re quired to level tiller. Replace rivet and retainer
Optional accessory tractor weights and/or tire chains
should be purchased to aid in the operation of this tiller
at tach ment.
• Install one or more wheel weights to each rear wheel
to insure good traction when operating. Tire chains can
be used in place of, or in addition to, wheel weights.
• Adjust stabilizer bolts so that ends are about fl ush with
rear of hitch bail (Fig. 2 - Inset). Leave nuts loose.
• Lower hitch assembly and slide hitch yoke of tiller
(Fig. 2 - Inset) over hitch tube of sleeve hitch so that
the hitch pin holes line up.
• Insert hitch pin until it extends from bottom of hitch
yoke (Fig. 2 - Inset). Insert retainer spring into hitch
• Tighten both stabilizer bolts against the hitch yoke
until there is no looseness at the hitch point. (The
frame assembly does not swing sideways relative to
the hitch bail (Fig. 2). Be sure the frame assembly is
per pen dic u lar (square) to the centerline (direction of
trav el) of the tractor. This can be determined by mea-
suring the dis tance between the edge of tine shield
(Fig. 2) and the back of the rear tires. This distance
should be the same on the R.H. and L.H. sides within
1/2 inch. Se cure ly tighten the nuts on the stabilizer
NOTE: The stabilizer bolts should be loosened before
removing the tiller from the tractor. This will make it easier
to remove the hitch pin and to line up hitch pin holes when
installing an oth er attachment. If tractor is to be used without
a rear attachment, the stabilizer bolt should be secured
by tightening the nuts (Fig. 2-Inset).
FIG. 2
FIG. 1
• Install two front end weights to the front of the tractor.
This will aid steering control.
• Check tractor tires for proper air pressure. See your
tractor's Own er's Man u al.
• Assemble sleeve hitch to tractor. See hitch Owner's