Service Journal
Delivery Service
1. Charge the battery.
2. Mount the rear wheels and the caster wheels.
3. Adjust the tire pressure of all wheels to 1 bar (15 PSI).
4. Check that the right amount of oil is in the engine.
5. Check that the right amount of oil is in the hydraulic tank.
6. Adjust the position of the motion control levers.
7. Fill with fuel and open the fuel tap.
8. Connect the exhaust fumes extractor.
9. Start the engine.
10. Check that there is drive to both wheels.
11. Vent the hydraulic system if necessary.
12. Check the mower deck adjustment.
13. Check:
The safety switch for the neutral bail.
The safety switches for the OP levers.
Parking brake functionality.
Driving forward.
Driving backward.
Engaging the blades.
14. Check the idle speed.
15. Inform the customer about:
The need and advantages of following the service schedule.
The need and advantages of leaving the machine
for service every 300 hours.
The effects of service and maintaining a service journal on
the machine’s resale value.
Application areas for BioClip.
16. Fill in the sales papers, etc.
After the First 8 Hours
1.Change engine oil.
Date, mtr reading, stamp, sign
Delivery service has been carried
No remaining notes.