Top speed of 13 mph!
Hydraulic oil cooler with cooling fan for increased system life
23” drive tires for a smoother ride
High-capacity hydraulic pumps and wheel motors for reduced pressure and longer system life
Toughest frame, front forks, and deck in the industry
No daily lube points. Spend time mowing, not playing grease monkey!
Wide stance, low center of gravity for excellent stability on slopes
12.2 gallon fuel capacity – more than a day’s worth
Fuel-efficient Honda, Kohler, or Kawasaki engines
Heavy-duty air cleaner for reduced costs, lower maintenance, and longer engine life
SmoothTrak™ steering with patented automatic park brake system
44” or 52” side-discharge/mulching decks
Super-easy, foot-operated deck-lift system
Maintenance-free sealed bearings on front caster wheel forks
Simplest maintenance in the industry
New! Fusion™ blades – stay sharper longer
Tire sealant in all tires to prevent small puncture leaks
The Hustler Mini Z
and Super Mini Z
more with less, as they merge the maneuverability
and efficiency of their compact size with the flat-
out productivity of high horsepower and fine-cut.
• Best warranty in the industry
• 44” or 52” side-discharge/mulching decks
• Honda, Kawasaki, or Kohler engines 19 to 25 hp
• Optional 9-bushel BAC-VAC
• SmoothTrak
steering with
automatic park brake
• Super Mini Z has a top speed of 13 mph!
• 12.2-gallon fuel capacity
• Quality of cut
New! optional Flex Forks™ – shock-
absorbing front caster forks!
Smooth ride, smoother cut!
Stainless-steel high-pressure
lines with Parker Seal-Lok™
O-Ring face seal fittings —
no deterioration as with
competitors’ hoses
Guaranteed to never Leak!
* Contact your local dealer for complete warranty information
• A full two-year bumper-to-bumper warranty – parts and labor!
• Lifetime warranty on the tractor frame
• Lifetime warranty on the leading edge of the deck
• Hydraulic hoses and fittings guaranteed to never leak
• 3-years on the blade spindle bearings
• 3-years on the front caster fork bearings
Spring-assisted, foot-operated deck lift
for fast, simple adjustment of cutting
height, negotiation of curbs, and move-
ment on and off the trailer
H U S T L E R M I N I Z F E A T U R E S :