Plan the work, work the plan
Best results generally follow an orderly process. The DPMS team can
guide you through the transition to managed output services with a
minimum of disruption. We engage you in four phases: assessment, de-
sign, implementation, and management. A detailed project plan, which
we develop collaboratively with you, enables us to monitor progress and
stay on schedule.
Our best practices, which are based on our work with companies in both
distributed and production environments, guide every aspect of DPMS.
We know what works and why it works, so we can achieve results quickly
and efciently. DPMS standard services and optional add-on services are
designed to deliver nancial and operational benets from the start.
Our exible lease or ownership pricing options leverage a price-per-page
approach. If you have specic pricing requirements, let us know and
we’ll do our best to accommodate them.
InfoPrint Solutions Company in-
vests in sustainability programs
and activities to minimize adverse
impact on the planet. Take advan-
tage of our Energy Star printers,
Waste of Electrical and Electronic
Equipment (WEEE) programs
(where available) and convenient,
free return program for InfoPrint
toner cartridges.