Color quality guide
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To provide users with the ability to
make subtle color adjustments to
printed output by increasing or
decreasing the amount of toner being
used for each color plane individually.
Note: This function is only applied to
files printed using the PostScript
Cyan -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0*, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
• -5 is maximum decrease
• 5 is maximum increase
Sets values for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and
Black to 0 (zero).
To assist users in selecting colors to
be printed. Users can print color
samples pages for each of the RGB
and CMYK color conversion tables
used in the printer.
The color samples pages consist of a
series of colored boxes along with the
RGB or CMYK combination that
creates the color observed for each
particular box. These pages can be
useful in helping users decide which
RGB or CMYK combinations to use
in their software applications to
create the desired printed color
Prints RGB samples using sRGB Display color
conversion tables.
sRGB Vivid Prints RGB samples using sRGB Vivid color
conversion tables.
Off–RGB Prints RGB samples using Off (or no) color
conversion tables.
Vivid Prints RGB samples using Vivid color
conversion tables.
US CMYK Prints CMYK samples using US CMYK color
conversion tables.
Euro CMYK Prints CMYK samples using Euro CMYK color
conversion tables.
Off–CMYK Prints CMYK samples using Off (or no) color
conversion tables.
Vivid CMYK Prints CMYK samples using Vivid CMYK color
conversion tables.
Manual Color
To let users customize the RGB or
CMYK color conversions applied to
each object on the printed page.
Color conversion of the data
specified using RGB combinations
can be customized based on object
type (text, graphics, or image).
RGB Image • sRGB Display*: Applies a color conversion
table to produce output that approximates the
colors displayed on a computer monitor.
• sRGB Vivid: Increases color saturation for
the sRGB Display color conversion table.
Preferred for business graphics and text.
•Off: No color conversion is implemented.
• Vivid: Applies a color conversion table that
produces brighter, more saturated colors.
RGB Text • sRGB Display
• sRGB Vivid*
• Vivid
CMYK • US CMYK*: Applies a color conversion table
to approximate SWOP color output.
•EuroCMYK: Applies color conversion table
to approximate EuroScale color output.
• Vivid CMYK: Increases color saturation for
the US CMYK color conversion table.
•Off: No color conversion is implemented.
Menu item Purpose Values