About this manual .......................vii
Who should read this manual....................vii
How this manual is organized ...................vii
Related publications .......................viii
Chapter 1. Introduction to the IBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Management
Adapter ...........................1
Adapter installation checklist ....................1
Environment limitations on number of adapters .............2
Package contents ........................2
Automatic Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) ..........2
Chapter 2. Installing the adapter hardware ..............5
Installing the adapter .......................5
Selecting adapter cables ......................5
Chapter 3. Software installation ..................7
Novell NetWare 3.12 Server ....................9
Server driver installation in new NetWare 3.12 Server .........10
Server driver installation in existing NetWare 3.12 Server ........11
Novell NetWare 4.11 Server ....................12
Server driver installation in new NetWare 4.11 Server..........13
Server driver installation in existing NetWare 4.11 Server ........14
Novell NetWare 5.0 Server ....................16
Server driver installation during NetWare 5.0 Server installation ......16
Server driver installation in existing NetWare 5.0 Server.........17
Novell Client DOS/Windows 3.1x ..................18
OS/2 NDIS 2 device driver using MPTS................19
OS/2 NDIS 2 device driver using other installation programs ........20
OS/2 Novell NetWare Requester ..................20
DOS NDIS 2..........................21
DOS Novell NetWare Requester (16-bit) ...............22
Windows NT Version 3.51 .....................23
Windows NT Version 4.0 .....................24
Windows 95 ..........................25
Installing the driver when Windows 95 Retail is already installed......25
Installing the driver when Windows 95 OSR2 is already installed .....26
Installing the driver for a first-time Windows 95 installation ........26
Windows 98 ..........................28
Installing the driver for a first-time Windows 98 installation ........28
Installing the driver when Windows 98 is already installed ........29
Windows 2000 .........................30
Installing the driver for a first-time Windows 2000 installation .......30
Updating the driver when Windows 2000 is already installed .......32
Remote unattended installation of Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000,
and Windows NT .......................32
Novell IntranetWare Client for Windows NT ..............32
Novell Client for Windows 95....................33
Windows for Workgroups with NDIS 3 ................33
Managed Driver Upgrade for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, and
Windows 2000 ........................34
Running Managed Driver Upgrade locally ..............34
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000 iii