CAUTION: If you connect to this printer an external hard disk you
previously used with an earlier QMS Crown printer, this QMS
magicolor LX software automatically reorganizes the files on the
external hard disk when the printer is turned off and back on. Once
this reorganization is done, the files on the hard disk can no longer
be accessed if the hard disk is reattached to an earlier QMS Crown
printer. The printer release number is indicated on the status and
start-up pages.
This reorganization takes time. Don’t interrupt the reorganization,
because all files on the disk might be lost.
NOTE: If an error occurs during these operations, an error
message displays until you press the Menu key. You must
then restart the operation from the beginning. Two error
messages you may see are READ FAILURE (the disk
has encountered a read error) and WRITE ERROR (either
the hard disk had a write error or there is no room for data
on the hard disk or in RAM).
Chapter 8
8-44 Printer Options