
v The Tree View Pane
The Tree View Pane, located on the left side of the IAACU Console window,
presents a list of all discovered NAS 200 appliances and includes any Families
you have previously defined. The Tree View Pane also includes groups for
appliances that do not fit any of the defined Families, that were not configured
using the IAACU, or that have IP addresses that conflict with other devices on
your network. When you click on any item in the Tree View, information about
that item (and any items that are nested below that item in the tree view)
displays in the Information Pane.
v The Information Pane
The Information Pane, located at the right side of the IAACU Console, displays
information about the item that is currently selected in the Tree View Pane. The
information that displays in the Information Pane varies depending on the item
that is selected. For example, if you select the All Appliances item from the Tree
View Pane, the Information Pane displays configuration information (IP settings,
hostname, serial number, and so on) about each of the NAS 200 appliances that
have been discovered by the IAACU Console. However, if you select a Family,
the Information Pane displays information about the Family settings for the
selected Family.
The IAACU Console also features the following menus:
v File: Use the File menu to import or export the IAACU Console configuration
data, to scan the network, or to exit the program.
v Family: Use the Family menu to add or delete Families, or to move Families up
or down in the tree view.
v Appliance: Use the Appliance menu to remove a previously discovered
appliance from a Family or group, and to add an appliance to the first matching
Family in the tree view.
v Help: Use the Help menu to display product information.
Discovering NAS 200 Appliances
Any NAS 200 appliance, or other IBM appliance, that is running and is connected to
the same subnet as the system running the IAACU Console is automatically
discovered when you start the IAACU Console. Discovered appliances appear in
the IAACU Console tree view (in the left pane of the IAACU Console window). Each
appliance will appear in two locations in the tree view:
1. Every discovered appliance is listed in the tree view under All Appliances.
2. Each discovered appliance will also appear in one of the following portions of
the tree view:
v In a Family
If the discovered appliance fits the requirements of a Family, it will
automatically appear as part of a Family.
Note: If a discovered appliance fits the requirements of more than one
Family, it is automatically added to the first appropriate Family that is
listed in the tree view, starting from the top of the tree. For information
on how to move appliances between families, see Using Families and
Groups in the Tree Viewon page 12.
v In the Orphaned Appliances group
If the discovered appliance does not fit a previously configured Family, it is
placed in the Orphaned Appliances group.
v In the Orphaned Externally Configured Appliances group
Chapter 2. Configuration and administration tools 11