
1. Did the message “No Adapter Card Found” appear?
No Continue at step 3.
Yes Continue at step 2.
2. Check the following to isolate the problem. Run the diagnostic
program after each step to see if the problem is resolved.
a. Make sure that the card is fully seated in the system PCI
b. Refer to the “Installation Instructions” on page 9 and ensure
that the card (and the initialization file if required for your
operating system) are installed correctly.
c. If the problem still persists, have the card serviced (see
Appendix A on page 23).
3. Did an X appear beside any of the following three diagnostic
display items?
No Continue at step 5 on page 16.
Yes Continue at step 4.
4. Check the following to isolate the problem. Run the diagnostic
program after each step to see if the problem is resolved.
a. Make sure that the system BIOS code is current.
Note: If it is not the most current version, obtain the most
| current version and load it onto your system. For information
| on revising and upgrading BIOS for IBM PCs, go to
| http://www.pc.ibm.com/support on the World Wide Web. For
| non-IBM PCs, contact the PC manufacturer for BIOS
| information.
b. The following is an optional step if a vacant PCI slot is
available in the system unit:
Section 2. The 3270 PCI Card for Personal Computers with PCI Buses 15