path="situation/situationType/situationQualifier"
required="true"
permittedValue="START_INITIATED"
permittedValue="RESTART_INITIATED"
permittedValue="START_COMPLETED"
/>
</eventDefinition>
format
for
″stop
adapter″
metadata
The
metadata
for
“stop
adapter”
is
the
same
as
that
for
“start
adapter”
with
the
following
exceptions:
v
The
default
value
for
the
categoryName
property
is
StopSituation:
<property
name="categoryName="
//Comment:
Specifies
the
type
of
situation
for
the
event
path="situation/categoryName"
required="true"
defaultValue="StopSituation"/>
v
The
permitted
values
for
the
situationQualifier
property
differ
and
are
as
follows
for
“stop
adapter”:
<property
name="situationQualifier"
//Comment:
Specifies
the
situation
qualifiers
for
this
event
path="situation/situationType/situationQualifier"
required="true"
permittedValue="STOP_INITIATED"
permittedValue="ABORT_INITIATED"
permittedValue="PAUSE_INITIATED"
permittedValue="STOP_COMPLETED"
/>
format
for
“timeout
adapter”
metadata
The
metadata
for
“timeout
adapter”
is
the
same
as
that
for
“start
adapter”
and
“stop
adapter”
with
the
following
exceptions:
v
The
default
value
for
the
categoryName
property
is
ConnectSituation:
<property
name="categoryName="
//Comment:
Specifies
the
type
of
situation
for
the
event
path="situation/categoryName"
required="true"
defaultValue="ConnectSituation"/>
v
The
permitted
values
for
the
situationQualifier
property
differ
and
are
as
follows
for
“timeout
adapter”:
<property
name="situationQualifier"
//Comment:
Specifies
the
situation
qualifiers
for
this
event
path="situation/situationType/situationQualifier"
required="true"
permittedValue="IN_USE"
permittedValue="FREED"
permittedValue="CLOSED"
permittedValue="AVAILABLE"
/>
Adapter
for
Siebel
eBusiness
Applications
User
Guide