AFP - Advanced Function Presentation
AFCCU - Advanced Function Common Control Unit
AFPDS - Advanced Function Printing Data Stream
API - Application Program Interface
ASCII - American National Standard Code for Information
BGU - Business Graphics Utility
BMP - OS/2 and Windows Bitmap
BRMS - Backup Recovery Management System
COR - Computer Output Reduction
DJDE - Dynamic Job Datastream Entry (Xerox)
DSS - Device Support Systems (AIX IpM)
EBCDIC - Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
Form Def - Form definition - OS/400 object used to position and
format data, text and images on an output page
GDF - Graphical Display File
GIF - Graphics Interchange Format
HPT - Host Print Transform
IOCA - Image Object Content Architecture
IPDS - Intelligent Printer Data Stream
IPxxxx - IBM's Infoprint printers
IPM - Infoprint Manager - AIX, NT and 2000
IPP - Internet Print Protocol
LCDS - Line Conditioned Data Stream (Xerox)
LPR/LPD - Line Printer Requestor/Line Printer Daemon
MO:DCA - Mixed Object: Data Content Architecture
MTU - Maximum Transmission Unit (Internet protocols)
Page Def - Page Definition - OS/400 object used to describe the printed page -
Created using PPFA or other tools
PPFA - Page Printer Formatting Aid - A language to define output
Glossary - Continued
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