242 Storage Management with DB2 for OS/390
G.3 Other Publications
These publications are also relevant as further information sources:
DB2 for OS/390 Version 5 Administration Guide, SC26-8957
DB2 for OS/390 Version 5 Command Reference, SC26-8960
DB2 for OS/390 Version 5 SQL Reference, SC26-8966
DB2 for OS/390 Version 5 Utility Guide and Reference, SC26-8967
MVS/ESA SML: Managing Data, SC26-3124
MVS/ESA SML: Managing Storage Groups, SC26-3125
DFSMS/MVS V1R4 Managing Catalogs, SC26-4914
DFSMS/MVS V1R4 Implementing System-Managed Storage, SC26-3123
DFSMS/MVS V1R4 DFSMSrmm Guide and Reference, SC26-4931-05
DFSMS/MVS V1R4 DFSMSdfp Storage Administration Reference,
DFSMS/MVS V1R3 NaviQuest User's Guide, SC26-7194
DFSMS/MVS Optimizer V1R2 User’s Guide and Reference, SC26-7047-04
IBM RAMAC Array Subsystem Introduction, GC26-7004
IBM RAMAC Virtual Array Storage Introduction, GC26-7168
IXFP Configuration and Administration, SC26-7178
IXFP Subsystem Reporting, SC26-7184
OS/390 RMF Report Analysis, SC28-1950
OS/390 V2 R6.0 MVS Diagnosis: Tools and Service Aids, SY28-1085
OS/390 V2 R6.0 RMF User's Guide, SC28-1949
G.4 Web Sites
These Web sites provide further up-to-date information sources:
• IBM Home Page:
• ITSO Home Page:
• DB2 for OS/390 Home Page:
• DB2 Family Performance:
• DFSMS/MVS Home Page:
• DFSMS/MVS White Papers: