Coax Setup Menu
Use the Coax Setup Menu to configure the coax attachment. The following table
describes the settings you can change from the Coax Setup Menu. An asterisk (*) next
to a value in the table indicates the factory default. The Coax Setup Menu appears
only if you have the coax attachment installed.
1. To select a new value, press the Continue/Enter key when the value is displayed
in the message display area. An asterisk (*) appears next to the value in the
message display area, indicating that it is now active.
2. For more information about configuring the coax attachment, see
IBM Network
Printers: Twinax/Coax Configuration Guide
3. If you are unfamiliar with using the operator panel to work with menus, please read
“Using the Operator Panel Keys” on page 10 and “Navigating Menus” on page 12
before continuing.
VALUE Description
PORT TMEOUT nnn Specifies the number of seconds the printer waits for data before
it determines there is no more data to receive for the job. The
printer then checks other installed attachments, and switches to
attachments with jobs waiting. nnn can be from 0 to 255. The
default is 90 seconds.
IRQ TMEOUT nn Specifies when an IRQ (intervention required) timeout is sent.
This tells the printer how long to wait for an intervention required
condition to be corrected before notifying the host of the error. nn
can be from 0 to 20 minutes. The default is 1 minute. 0
specifies to never send an IRQ timeout.
HLD TMEOUT nn Specifies the hold timeout value. This value tells the printer how
long to wait if the printer is offline for an intervention required
condition to be corrected. After this time elapses, the host is
notified of the error. nn can be from 0 to 20 minutes. The default
is 10 minutes. 0 specifies to never send a hold time out.
BUSY TMEOUT nnn Specifies the busy timeout value. This specifies the amount of
time to wait (when the printer is connected to multiple ports) for
control to be returned to the coax attachment before notifying the
host. nnn can be from 0 to 999 minutes. The default is 20
minutes. 0 specifies to never send a busy timeout.
78 User’s Guide