Specialized Models User Guide 6 MPLS Model User Guide
SPM-6-8 Modeler/Release 10.0
Figure 6-7 Configuring LDP Parameters
Simulation Attributes
The following simulation attributes are available (Configure/Run Discrete Event
Simulation dialog box) when using the MPLS model suite.
• CR-LDP Routing—specifies if CR-LDP routing uses CSPF or conventional
IGP to determine routes in loosely defined LSPs. The default value is IGP.
• CSPF Retry Timer—specifies how long an ingress LER waits after detecting
a node or link failure before rerouting an LSP that traverses the failed node
or link. The default value for this attribute is 45 seconds.
• LDP Discovery End Time—specifies when LDP discovery ends. After this
time, no more LDP discovery packets are sent through the network. This
value should occur after the network reaches a final, constant state in the
simulation since no network topology or device status changes are reflected
in the LDP routing tables after LDP Discovery End Time.
• LDP Discovery Start Time—specifies when LDP starts sending discovery
packets through the network. Set this attribute to a value other than Do Not
Start to enable LDP.
• LSP Signaling Protocol—specifies whether dynamic LSPs are signaled
using CR-LDP (constraint-based routed LDP) or RSVP. The default value is