v Yes: Continue with the next step.
v No: Go to step 11.
9. Is the FRU list identical (same FRUs, same number of FRUs, and same order of FRUs) to the FRU
list of the error code recorded in step 1 on page 81?
v Yes: Go to step 11.
v No: Continue with the next step.
10. The FRU list is different. Is the FRU you replaced and recorded in step 1 on page 81 in the list of
FRUs for this service action event?
v Yes: Continue with the next step.
v No: Go to step 32 on page 84.
Note: There are service action events that will remain open when you leave this MAP. Further service actions
might be required to complete the repair.
11. Examine the details of this service action event, and record the partitions involved in this service
action event for use in a later step.
12. Is the error code associated with this service action event of the form A11-xxx or A01-xxx?
v Yes: Continue with the next step.
v No: Go to step 17.
13. Have you begun a list of Axx partitions from prior service action events that you processed in this
maintenance analysis procedure (MAP)?
v Yes: Go to step 15.
v No: Continue with the next step.
14. Begin a new list of Axx partitions by copying the list of partitions obtained in step 11. Go to step 16.
15. Add the partition list obtained in step 11 to the existing list of Axx partitions obtained from
processing previous service action events in this MAP.
16. Remove all entries in the list of all partitions you recorded in step 11. If you are referred to the list of
partitions obtained in step 11 in future steps, the list is empty. Go to step 17.
17. Select and highlight the service action event from the Error Associated With This Serviceable Event
18. Click Close Event.
82 Power Systems: Power supplies for the 9117-MMB or 9179-MHB