
This control sets the physical page length in lines or inches and resets skip
perforation mode.
LL is a one-byte hexadecimal number that specifies the page length in lines. The
value is converted to inches based upon the current line spacing. Valid values for
LL are X'01' to X'FF', but the resulting page length in inches must be less than
113.8 inches (2890 mm). If LL equals 0, then parameter II (length is inches) is used.
IN is a one-byte hexadecimal number that specifies the page length in inches. IN is
present only if parameter LL equals 0. Valid values for IN are X'01' to X'71'. If IN is
greater than the maximum value, the maximum value is used. If both LL and IN are
zero, the control is ignored.
Set Horizontal Tabs (ESC D)
1B 44 TT .. TT 00
This control sets the horizontal tab stops. The maximum number of tab stops
supported is 32. The sequence terminates with the NUL control code. If the null
terminator is missing, the printer treats the next 32 bytes as tab stops and ignores
all the data bytes following the 32 bytes until a Null is received. If the printer
receives this control code with no tabs, all horizontal tab stops are cleared.
TT is the list of tab stops as character positions relative to the left edge of the
physical page. Valid values are X'01' to X'FF'. Tab stops must be specified in
ascending order. Entries not in ascending order are ignored.
Begin Emphasized Print (ESC E)
1B 45
This control starts emphasized print mode (bold style). Emphasized printing
continues until the printer receives an End Emphasized Print (ESC F) control, or the
printer is initialized.
End Emphasized Print (ESC F)
1B 46
This control ends emphasized print mode (bold style).
Begin Double-Strike Print (ESC G)
1B 47
This control starts double-strike printing (all text characters are double struck).
Double-strike printing continues until the printer receives an End Double-Strike Print
control (ESC H), or the printer is initialized.
End Double-Strike Print (ESC H)
1B 48
This control ends double-strike printing.
234 4247 Printer Model A00 User’s Guide