Implementing Oracle8 and J.D. Edwards’ OneWorld 161
7.6.3 Assigning Environments to a Profile
When starting OneWorld, you can assign more than one environment to each
user or group from which any user or group can choose. If users do not have
environments of their own, they can choose from the ones assigned to their
group. To assign environments, perform the following steps:
1. From your OneWorld work space access the Advanced Operations menu
(GH9011), choose
User Profiles.
2. On Work With User Profiles, click
3. Choose a profile. In our example, we highlighted LEIUSER1.
4. From the Row menu, select Environments. You will see a screen similar to
Figure 102:
Figure 102. User Profiles (User Environment Revisions) Screen
5. Complete the following fields for User Environment Revisions:
• Display Sequence (Display Seq.) = This is an optional field. Leave blank to
arrange environment names alphabetically or enter numbers to create your
own order.
• Environment = For our example. select PRD733, CRP733, and DEPB733.
• Click OK.
• To delete an environment from the list, select the environment and click