
EasyCoder 3400e Bar Code Label Printer User’s Manual
Refer to the label located on the inside of the media cover for directions on
loading media. For your convenience, you may want to refer to it when loading media
in the future.
Loading Media for Self-Strip Printing
Use self-strip printing in applications where you want to apply labels to a surface
immediately. After printing a label, the printer prints out the label with the backing
removed. The rewinder hub collects the backing after it passes over the self-strip assist
roller. The rewinder hub can hold the backing from an entire roll of media.
You should find a small label with a three-digit sensitivity number printed on it
attached to your roll of media or a 15-digit number stamped on the side of the media
roll. Save this information. You will need it to set the correct media sensitivity number.
See Setting the Media Sensitivity Number later in this chapter for help.
To load self-strip media
1. Raise the printhead by rotating the head lift lever clockwise until the printhead
2. Turn the supply roll retainer counterclockwise to release it and slide it to the outer
end of the supply roll post. Turn it clockwise to lock it in place.
3. Place the media roll on the supply roll post and position it firmly against the inside
wall of the printer.
4. Turn the supply roll retainer counterclockwise and slide it up to the edge of the
media roll. Turn the supply roll retainer clockwise to secure.
If you are using a narrow roll of media [less than 7.62 centimeters (3 inches)],
insert the media support between the roll of media and the supply roll retainer before
securing it.