
Click Update. You should see your suffix appear in the list of suffixes known to the directory server.
Note: The Web administration interface for Directory Server is also not supported on Linux. Refer to the
Special Installation Issues chapter in this guide for a workaround for this issue.
4. Restart the directory server by choosing Current state - Start/Stop from the Directory Server pane.
5. Click the Start button. Eventually you should see a message that the directory server is currently running.
6. Logoff from the administrative interface by doing the following:
Choose Logoff from the Directory Server pane.
Click Logoff. All options (except Introduction and Logon) should disappear from the Directory Server
Close the browser session.
Populating the directory – do the following to administer the directory:
7. Start the Directory Management Tool: Start - Programs - IBM Directory Server - Directory Management Tool.
8. Logon as the directory administrator and do the following:
Choose Server - Rebind on the ldap://hostname:389 tab.
Click the Authenticated button on the Rebind pane.
Enter the directory administrator's DN and password in the appropriate text boxes.
Click OK. You'll probably see a warning that the suffix you created earlier doesn't contain any data.
9. Define the suffix by doing the following:
Choose Directory tree - Browse tree from the ldap://hostname:389 tab.
Click the Add button in the Browse tree pane. The Add an LDAP Entry screen appears.
At the Add an LDAP Entry screen do the following:
o Choose Organization in the Entry type drop down.
o Leave Parent DN blank.
o Enter the DN of the suffix (e.g. o=yourentry) in the Entry RDN text box.
o Click OK. The Add an LDAP Entry screen expands to include additional attributes.
o Click Add. The entry should appear in the directory tree.
10. Exit the Directory Management Tool by clicking the Exit button in the lower left hand pane.
Chapter 6: Installing or Identifying the LDAP Directory 19