
When a keyword appears in a syntax diagram, it is shown in uppercase letters.
When you use a keyword in a command, you can write it in uppercase or
lowercase letters, but you must spell the keyword exactly as it appears in the
syntax diagram.
You must also use any punctuation in your statements and commands exactly as
shown in the syntax diagrams.
Identifiers and Names
Variables serve as placeholders for identifiers and names in the syntax diagrams
and examples.
You can replace a variable with an arbitrary name, identifier, or literal, depending
on the context. Variables are also used to represent complex syntax elements that
are expanded in additional syntax diagrams. When a variable appears in a syntax
diagram, an example, or text, it is shown in lowercase italic.
The following syntax diagram uses variables to illustrate the general form of a
simple SELECT statement.
 SELECT column_name FROM table_name 
When you write a SELECT statement of this form, you replace the variables
column_name and table_name with the name of a specific column and table.
How to Provide Documentation Feedback
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v Send e-mail to docinf@us.ibm.com.
v Go to the information center at http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/
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Feedback from all methods is monitored by those who maintain the user
documentation. The feedback methods are reserved for reporting errors and
omissions in our documentation. For immediate help with a technical problem,
contact IBM Technical Support. For instructions, see the IBM Informix Technical
Support Web site at http://www.ibm.com/planetwide/.
We appreciate your suggestions.
Introduction xiii