Command Sets for Command Line Interface
Commands for NAT process
1. ip nat
ip nat add|delete <i/f name>
This command adds or removes NAT functionality from the named
interface. The interface name is the name as listed by the ip device
command. NAT should always be enabled only on the interface
connecting to the public network, not the interface connecting to the
private network.
> ip nat add ppp_device
2. nat interfaces
nat interfaces
The nat interfaces command displays the IP router ports on
which NAT is currently enabled. For each of these, a status and IP
address is listed. The IP address is discovered automatically from the
IP stack. The status shows the user whether NAT is currently
operational on that interface (“enabled”), or whether NAT is still
waiting to find out the interface’s IP address (“not ready”).
> nat interfaces
Name Status IP address
ethernet enabled
ppp not ready
3. nat inbound
nat inbound list
nat inbound add <i/f> <port>/<proto> <new IP> [quiet]
nat inbound delete <#>
nat inbound flush
This command enables the user to list or to set up a series of rules, to
determine what happens to incoming traffic. By default all incoming
packets, other that packets arriving in response to outgoing traffic
will be rejected.