
List of Abbreviations
A ampere
AC 1) alternating current
2) address compare
ACK affirmative acknowledgment (BSC)
ACPW ac power box
ACUN access unit (token ring access unit such
as the IBM 8228)
AC1 ac power box (ACPW) installed in posi-
tion 1 of the 3746-900
AC2 ac power box (ACPW) installed in posi-
tion 2 of the 3746-900
AFD airflow detector
AIO adapter-initiated operation
ARC active remote connector
ASCII American National Standard Code for
Information Interchange
AUI access unit interface
BASA basic board A
BASB basic board B
BASC basic board C
BAT basic assurance test
BATRY FRU name of the battery
BCCA Buffer chaining channel adapter
BCLE buffer control list element
BER box event record
BPC1 FRU name of the bus propagation card
to replace the CAL card
BPC2 bus propagation card to replace the TRM
bps bits per second
BRC BER reference code
BSC binary synchronous communication
CA channel adapter
CAB channel adapter board
CADR FRU name of the channel adapter driver
receiver card
CADS Channel adapter data streaming
CAL FRU name of the channel adapter logic
CBC controller bus coupler
CBSA controller bus and service adapter
CBP controller bus and service processor
CBTRA controller bus and token-ring adapter
CBx FRU name of circuit breaker number x
CCITT Comite Consultatif International
Telegraphique et Telephonique
CCU central control unit
CCW channel command word
CD carrier detector (signal)
CDF configuration data file
CDG concurrent diagnostic
CDS configuration data set (NCP/EP)
CE customer engineer
CEPT Comite Europeen des Postes et Tele-
CID channel interface display function
CLDP controller load/dump program
CLP communication line processor
CNM communication network management
CO/CS contact operate / contact sense
CPN customer problem number
CP 1) communication processor
2) control program
CPx FRU name of circuit protector number x
CRP check record pool
CRU customer replaceable unit
CS 1) cycle steal
2) communication scanner
3) connectivity switch
CSC 1) FRU name of the scanner for medium-
/low-speed lines
2) connectivity switch cable
CSCE connectivity switch cable extension
CSCW cycle steal control word
CSG cycle steal grant
CSGH cycle steal grant high
CSGL cycle steal grant low
CSP FRU name of the communication
scanner processor associated with the
FESH card for high speed lines
(CSC scanner for the medium-/low-speed
CSR cycle steal request
Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 1997 X-1