
Tray <x> Missing
What this message means:
The specified tray is either missing or not fully inserted into the printer.
What you can do:
Insert the tray completely into the printer.
See also:
Loading the trays
Tray <x> Not Calibrated
What this message means:
The transparency sensor (in trays that have transparency sensing capability) is not calibrated.
What you can do:
Press Go to clear the message.
Note: Paper will not be fed from the tray until the tray has been calibrated.
Calibrate the tray in the Configuration Menu.
in <source>. Go?
What this message means:
The printer detects a type change in a type-sensing tray. The types are:
What you can do:
Press Go to clear the message.
Remove the tray and change the paper to a desired type.
Bond Cardstock Colored
Envelope Labels Ltrhead
Plain Preprint Trnsprncy
Glossy Custom type