Brookfield Engineering Labs., Inc. Page 46 M/02-212
After setting time and date you will be requested if you want to set clock for new time.
Using key, you can set new time, or using key you can return back to the menue without
Note: New time is input into the clock only after pressing key. When pressing the key, time starts
running with seconds=00.
VI.7.5 Configuration → Set RS232 Parameter
This function allows changing communication parameters of the serial interface.
The serial interface operates without handshake.
Data are transferred as ASCII-texts.
Parameters to set:
Baud rate [Baud]: 110, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200
Parity: n(=no parity), e(=even), o(=odd)
Stopbits [Bit]: 1 or 2
Databits [Bit]: 7 or 8
The standard setting is:
Baud rate = 4800
Parity = n
Stopbits = 1
Databits = 8
Caution: If you changed these settings, you have also to set new transfer parameters of the
receiving device!
After starting the function “Set RS232 Param.” you will be requested to input the baudrate:
With key you start change of parameters.
You have to select following parameters:
• Baudrate [Baud] : 10, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200
• Datenbits [Bit]: or 8
• Parity: (=none), e(=even), o (=odd)
New Time/Date
17:15 17.03.01
Press <OK> to save
RS232: 4800,8,n,1
Change RS232-Par.?