
The Null Padding function is required on most server systems that use the traditional
vt100 and vt220 emulations. The null padding can cause an error on some Windows
based servers. If you are experiencing problems with a Window’s based Terminal
Emulation server, try un-checking the null padding option.
Function Key remapping allows the user to alter the codes sent to the host computer
when a function key is pressed. The “Func Key Remapping” box must be checked to
modify the function keys. If the “Func Key Remapping” box is unchecked, the M71V2
will simply send the standard VT100/VT200 function codes to the server, when a
function key is pressed.
If the “Func Key Remapping” box is checked, then the user can select the “Define
Function Keys” item. The following screen will appear (below left). If you select one of
the function keys you will be able to edit the string that is sent to the server when that key
is pressed (below right).