
$ dcecp
dcecp> principal create hosts/hostname/dfs-server
dcecp> account create hosts/hostname/dfs-server -group subsys/dce/dfs-admin
-org none -password password mypwd password
3. Grant the group subsys/dce/dfs-admin the appropriate permissions on
the ACL for the hosts/hostname/dfs-server principal in the registry
dcecp> acl mod /.:/sec/principal/hosts/hostname/dfs-server
-add {group subsys/dce/dfs-admin rcDnfmag}
dcecp> exit
4. Use the su command to become the local superuser root on the machine:
$ su
Password: root_password
5. Add a server key for the hosts/hostname/dfs-server principal to the
/krb5/v5srvtab keytab le on the machine. The dced process recognizes
the keytab le by the entry name self. The command creates the keytab
le if the le does not already exist. In the commands, password is the
password of the DCE identity to which you were authenticated when
you created the principal.
# dcecp
dcecp> keytab add self -member hosts/hostname/dfs-server -key password
dcecp> keytab add self -member hosts/hostname/dfs-server -random -registry
dcecp> exit
6. Remove the BosConfig le and any administrative lists that possibly exist
from a previous conguration of the BOS Server on the machine:
# rm -f dcelocal/var/dfs/BosConfig
# rm -f dcelocal/var/dfs/admin.*
7. Start the bosserver process with DFS authorization checking disabled.
The process creates a new BosConfig le and a new admin.bos le,
which is the administrative list for the BOS Server.
# dcelocal/bin/bosserver -noauth &
8. Add the group subsys/dce/dfs-admin to the admin.bos le:
# dcelocal/bin/bos addadmin -server /.:/hosts/hostname -adminlist admin.bos
-group subsys/dce/dfs-admin
9. Enable DFS authorization checking by the BOS Server:
# dcelocal/bin/bos setauth -server /.:/hosts/hostname -authchecking on
10. Congure the bosserver process to start automatically when the system is
restarted by removing the two number signs (#) from the following line
of the /etc/rc.dfs le (or its equivalent):
##daemonrunning $DCELOCAL/bin/bosserver
The BOS Server is now fully congured on the machine.
8 DFS for Solaris: NFS/DFS Secure Gateway Guide and Reference