The following table describes the basic critical and noncritical failures. This
abbreviated list is representative; it is not intended as an exhaustive list. An
error code is associated with each failure. Error codes appear on the
Management Module Switch Information window. Be sure to note the
applicable error code and corresponding failure. You might have to provide
this information when you call the IBM HelpCenter
. For details, see
Chapter 9, “Getting help and technical assistance,” on page 41.
Diagnostic indicator (in
Failing functional area Failure criticality
00 - 7F Base internal functions Critical
80 - 9F Internal interface failures Noncritical
A0 - AF External interface errors Noncritical
B0 - FE Reserved Noncritical
FF GbE switch module “good”
40 Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide