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Choose “Auto Configuration with Optimal Setting” from the menu for loading the defaults parameters that is set by the
manufacturer for the most stable normal configuration.
Press F10 or “Save Setting and Exit” to save the changes and reboot the system.
3-2. Description of the BIOS Setup Option
Please make clear the means of those optional parameters. Improper settings will cause the system to hang up or
perform poorly. Most items are clearly understood from the screen prompt or “Help” by function key “F1”. The
manufacturer highly recommends that “Default” settings have been used to avoid any unpredictable results.
3-3. Advanced CMOS Setup
Advanced CMOS Setup
Quick Boot Enabled
1st Boot Device Floppy
2nd Boot Device IDE-0
3rd Boot Device CDROM
4th Boot Device Disabled
Try Other Boot Devices Yes
S.M.A.R.T. for Hard Disks Disabled
BootUp Num-Lock On
Floppy Drive Swap Disabled
Floppy Drive Seek Disabled
PS/2 Mouse Support Enabled
Typematic Rate Fast
System Keyboard Present
Primary Display VGA/EGA
Password Check Setup
Boot To OS/2 No
System BIOS Cacheable Enabled
C000, 32k Shadow Cached
C800, 16k Shadow Disabled
CC00, 16k Shadow Disabled
D000, 16k Shadow Disabled