User’s Manual
PPC440x5 CPU Core Preliminary
Page 76 of 589
September 12, 2002
2.7.3 Processor Identification Register (PIR)
The PIR is a read-only register that uniquely identifies a specific instance of a processor core, within a multi-
processor configuration, enabling software to determine exactly which processor it is running on. This capa-
bility is important for operating system software within multiprocessor configurations. The PIR can be read
into a GPR using mfspr.
Because the PPC440x5 is a uniprocessor, PIR[PIN] = 0b0000.
Access to the PIR is privileged.
2.7.4 Core Configuration Register 0 (CCR0)
The CCR0 controls a number of special chip functions, including data cache and auxiliary processor opera-
tion, speculative instruction fetching, trace, and the operation of the cache block touch instructions. The
CCR0 is written from a GPR using mtspr, and can be read into a GPR using mfspr. Figure 2-11 on page 77
illustrates the fields of the CCR0, and gives a brief description of their functions. A cross reference after the
bit-field description indicates the section of this document which describes each field in more detail.
Access to the CCR0 is privileged.
Figure 2-9. Processor Version Register (PVR)
0:11 OWN Owner Identifier Identifies the owner of a core.
12:31 PVN Processor Version Number
Implementation-specific value identifying the spe-
cific version and use of a processor core within a
Figure 2-10. Processor Identification Register (PIR)
0:27 Reserved
28:31 PIN Processor Identification Number (PIN)
01112 31
0 27 28 31