This section describes the quick configuration procedure for the
printer interface. For a complete discussion of all of the configuration
options available through the Administration/Communications/Crown-
Net menu, see chapter 2, “Interface Configuration,” of the
CrownNet Interface System Administrator’s Guide
You can make these configuration changes through any of the follow-
ing means:
Printer Control Panel—For information on using the printer con-
trol panel to change configuration menu settings, refer to chapter
4, “Printer Configuration,” of the
CrownAdmin (for DOS, Macintosh System, or Windows) or
CrownNet Manager for OS/2—For more information on using
this software, refer to the appropriate chapter in the system
administrator’s guide.
Remote Console—For information on accessing Remote Con-
sole, refer to the appropriate chapter in the system administra-
tor’s guide. For information on using Remote Console, refer to the
QMS Crown Remote Console User’s Guide
1 If your network has more than one zone, use the Administra-
tion/Communications/Network 2/CrownNet/EtherTalk/Zone
Name/Zone Part 1 and Zone Part 2 menus to enter the name
of the zone to which the printer is attached.