Chapter 3: Supported Reports and KPIs
IBM Tivoli Netcool/Proviso Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack 37
ClusterLocalCall Identifies a call where the caller is an internal extension and where the callee
is a Local External PSTN number, according to the Numbering Plan
(NANP or Other prefixes). A Local call is also:- An Outbound call - An
Off-net call, routed towards the PSTN - Can be a TollBypassCall if a remote
PSTN Gateway is involved in the Voice path
Note: Internal extensions are managed through the UBA.xml adaptor
configuration file, where the variable ExtensionRange is defined. In order to
be able to know whether or not a call will be charged as a Local call, an
additional variable needs to be set in the UBA.xml adaptor configuration
file. If the first N digits match for this particular site with one of the number
configured in this list, then the call is tagged as Local
ClusterLongDistanceCall Identifies a call where the caller is an internal extension and where the callee
is a LongDistance External PSTN number, according to the Numbering
Plan (NANP or Other prefixes). A Long Distance cal call is also: - An
Outbound call - An Off-net call, routed towards the PSTN - Can be a
TollBypassCall if a remote PSTN Gateway is involved in the Voice path
ClusterMOS Mean Opinion Score. This is an high level metric. Note: There is no
algorithm for Mean Opinion Score calculations. This is a subjective metric
from the end user point of view. In voice communications, particularly
Internet telephony, the mean opinion score (MOS) provides a numerical
measure of the quality of human speech at the destination end of the circuit.
The scheme uses subjective tests (opinionated scores) that are
mathematically averaged to obtain a quantitative indicator of the system
performance. To determine MOS, a number of listeners rate the quality of
test sentences read aloud over the communications circuit by male and
female speakers. A listener gives each sentence a rating as follows: - 1 bad; -
2 poor; - 3 fair; - 4 good; - 5 excellent. The MOS is the arithmetic mean of
all the individual scores, and can range from 1 (worst) to 5 (best). In our
context, our MOS calculation is based on the consolidation of Jitter, Latency
and Packets Lost values which give us a good overview of the real MOS
ClusterNbPacketsLost Number of Packets Lost by the subelement during a call. This metric comes
from the CMR table. Its set only once the call is established. This metric is
only available for IP Phones.
ClusterNbPacketsReceived Number of Packets Received by the subelement during a call. This metric
comes from the CMR table. Its set only once the call is established. This
metric is only available for IP Phones.
ClusterNbPacketsSent Number of Packets Sent by the subelement during a call. This metric comes
from the CMR table. Its set only once the call is established. This metric is
only available for IP Phones.
ClusterOffNetCall Identifies a call where at least one PSTN Gateway is involved in the Voice
path, with the following criteria: - Inbound or Outbound call - Internal or
call to/from PSTN number - Intersite or Intrasite Legacy PBX Call
ClusterOnNetCall Identifies a call where the caller is an internal extension and where the callee
is also an internal extension, from the same site or different sites, with the
following criteria: - Outbound call - Internal call - Intersite or Intrasite IP
Call - No PSTN Gateway is involved in the Voice path - This is a pure IP to
IP call
Table 2: Key performance indicators
KPI Comment