
The memory dump file can be viewed by entering the AIX command
sysdumpdev -L
Operator Panel and Reset Switch
The operator panel on the front of the system unit contains a four-digit display and
reset button. The four-digit display is used by your system unit to display progress
indicators during system startup, and may also display error messages.
The function of the reset button depends on the operating system installed in the
system unit. Please consult your operating system documentation for a description of
its function.
System Startup Options
If no keys are pressed after the system unit power is turned on, the system unit
searches a list of devices (the default boot list) for a bootable image. If a bootable
image is found, then the system unit loads and starts the operating system. This is
called a normal boot.
The system unit can also be booted from a custom boot list, which can be changed
through the System Management Services.
If certain keys are pressed during system startup, the system unit searches the
default or custom boot list for a bootable image to start in service mode instead of
normal mode. After a successful service mode boot, the diagnostic programs are
started automatically.
The following pages describe the default and custom boot lists, and how to boot from
these in either normal or service mode.
Default Boot List
The default boot list is composed of the first device found of each of the following
1. Diskette drive
2. CD-ROM drive
3. Disk Drive
4. Network device
7043 43P Series User's Guide