2. In the Node pane, click the icon of the node you want to verify
3. Click the ″Notebook″ icon on the tool bar
v When the Notebook window opens, make certain that the ″Node Status″ tab is selected
4. The ″Node failure:″ attribute displays the status of the node supervisor
v ″No″ displayed in a green box indicates that the node supervisor has not failed and the supervisor
is responding
v ″Yes″ displayed in a red box indicates that the node supervisor has failed and it is not responding
Note: Clicking ″Help″ in the Notebook window’s lower right corner displays attribute descriptions.
Frame supervisor verification
From the Hardware Perspectives window:
1. Unless you have saved display settings, the Hardware Perspective does not open with a frame pane
displayed. To open a frame pane:
a. Click the ″Add Pane″ icon on the tool bar
v The Add Pane dialog box opens
b. From the ″Pane Type″ pull down, select ″Frames and Switches″
c. Select your choice of adding the pane to the current window or to a new window
d. If desired, enter a new pane title
e. Click ″OK″ to open the pane and close the dialog box
v You may repeat these steps to add additional frame panes
2. In the Frame and Switch pane, click the icon of the frame you want to verify
3. Click the ″Notebook″ icon on the tool bar
v When the Notebook window opens, make certain that the ″Frame Status″ tab is selected
4. The ″Controller responds:″ attribute displays the status of the frame supervisor
v ″OK″ displayed in a green box indicates that the frame supervisor is responding
v ″No response″ displayed in a red box indicates that the frame supervisor is not responding
Note: Clicking ″Help″ in the Notebook window’s lower right corner displays attribute descriptions.
Switch supervisor verification
From the Hardware Perspectives window:
1. Unless you have saved display settings, the Hardware Perspective does not open with a switch pane
displayed. To open a switch pane:
a. Click the ″Add Pane″ icon on the tool bar
v The Add Pane dialog box opens
b. From the ″Pane Type″ pull down, select ″Frames and Switches″
c. Select your choice of adding the pane to the current window or to a new window
d. If desired, enter a new pane title
e. Click ″OK″ to open the pane and close the dialog box
v You may repeat these steps to add additional switch panes
2. In the Frame and Switch pane, click the icon of the switch you want to verify
v A switch icon is displayed next to the frame icon only if a switch is installed in the frame
3. Click the ″Notebook″ icon on the tool bar
v When the Notebook window opens, make certain that the ″Switch Status″ tab is selected
4. The ″Node failure:″ attribute displays the status of the switch supervisor.
v ″No″ displayed in a green box indicates that the switch supervisor has not failed and the
supervisor is responding to communication from the frame supervisor.
Chapter 3. Service procedures 3-5