Chapter 3. FLEX-ES and OS/390 installation 25
The ckdconvaws command converts the AWSCKD format to the FLEX-ES format, and writes
to the Linux file indicated.
The volume being unzipped is a 3390-3 (and we must tell the
ckdconvaws program this). The second operand, /s390/OS39RA, is the target location for the
Linux file that will emulate the S/390 volume. Your disk layout may be different, and you need
to adjust this path and name as required for your system.
The nnn and mmm numbers shown will increment as the program runs. When the volume is
finished, use the root window to issue the command:
$ cd / (in the flexes window)
# umount /mnt/cdrom (in the root window)
3390-3 volumes are held in two files in the original AWSCKD format. Both these files are
usually placed in the same zip file. The ckdconvaws program handles this transition
We can pipe directly from the unzip program to the ckdconvaws program only if the emulated
volume will be held in a single file, as we are doing here. If the volume will be held in several
files, a named pipe must be used. This is more common with UnixWare or Open UNIX
systems and is described in the Netfinity/EFS redbook.
Load the other CDs
Repeat the same process (mount, unzip/convert, umount) for the other CDs that are to be
loaded. For the OS/390 R10 system, we used the following:
CD CD File................. Linux File Disk Model
2 /mnt/cdrom/os390/os3raa.zip /s390/OS3RAA 3390-3
3 /mnt/cdrom/os390/os39M1.zip /s390/OS39M1 3390-3
4 /mnt/cdrom/os390/os39ha.zip /s390/OS39HA 3390-3
3.3 File ownership
All of the files containing emulated S/390 volumes must be owned by userid flexes and
groupid flexes. You can verify this, as follows:
# ls -al /s390 (check the owner and group names)
# ls -al /s391 (if you have a second disk)
(if you need to change ownership, do the following)
# su (change to root, if not already root)
# chown flexes:flexes /s390/OS39RA (or whatever file needs to be changed)
The “flexes:flexes” parameter format causes both the owner and the group name to be
3.4 Minor problems
While working with various AD releases, we found two unusual situations.
The -r option indicates that ckdconvaws should create the output file, if it does not already exist.