
Setting IP, Subnet Mask, and Gateway Addresses
To set an IP, subnet mask, or gateway address for the printer, perform these steps:
1. Press the Online key to take the printer OFFLINE.
2. Press the Menu key until the operator panel displays ETHERNET MENU or
3. Press the Item key until the operator panel displays address to change (IP
ADDRESS, SUBNET MASK, or GATEWAY ADDRESS). This example shows how
to change the IP ADDRESS.
4. Press the Continue/Enter key. For a new printer whose IP address has not yet
been set, the operator panel displays:
The “<” indicates the field whose value you can change at this point.
5. Press the Value key until the desired value is displayed. The range of the address
values is zero to 255. To increment the value by 10, press and hold the Value
6. When the operator panel displays the value you want, press Continue/Enter. The
<” moves to the next value, for example:
7. Press the Value key until the desired value is displayed, then press the
Continue/Enter key.
8. Repeat step 7 until all four values have been set, then press the Continue/Enter
key to set the address. The value has been set if an asterisk (*) displays to the
right of the value, for example:
9. Press the Online button to display the Ready message. The panel displays the
message I/O Initializing and writes the new addresses to non-volatile memory.
(This process takes a few minutes.) Do not power off the printer while the I/O
Initializing message is displayed.
Beware of Beaconing
When you turn the printer off, wait at least two or three seconds before turning it
back on. A quick off-on may cause a Token Ring card to start beaconing.
180 Network Printer 17: User’s Guide