
109. Resource Type and Resource ID Formats .....................177
110. Arabic Expanded Core Fonts ..........................178
111. Hebrew Expanded Core Fonts .........................178
112. Latin1 Expanded Core Fonts ..........................179
113. Latin2/3/5 Expanded Core Fonts ........................179
114. Latin4 Expanded Core Fonts ..........................179
115. Symbols Expanded Core Fonts .........................180
116. Cyrillic Greek Expanded Core Fonts .......................180
117. OCR, APL, and Katakana Fonts Resident in the AFCCU Printers ............181
118. Code Pages for the Expanded Core Fonts .....................181
119. Advanced Function Presentation Publications ....................185
120. Data Stream and Object Architectures ......................185
121. IBM AFP Fonts Publications ..........................185
122. IBM AFP DBCS Fonts Publications........................186
123. IBM Infoprint Manager for AIX Publications .....................186
124. IBM Infoprint Manager for Windows NT and Windows 2000 Publications ..........186
125. IBM Infoprint Server for OS/390 V2R8- V2R10 ...................186
126. IBM Infoprint Server for OS/390 V2R8- V2R10 ...................186
127. Network Printer 12 Publications .........................186
128. Network Printer 17 Publications .........................187
129. Infoprint Color 8 Printer Publications .......................187
130. InfoPrint 12 Publications............................187
131. Infoprint 20 Printer Publications .........................187
132. Infoprint 21 Printer Publications .........................188
133. Infoprint 32 and Infoprint 40 Printer Publications ...................188
134. Infoprint 60 Printer Publications .........................188
135. Infoprint 70 Printer Publications .........................188
136. Infoprint 2000DP1 Printer Publications ......................188
137. Infoprint 62 Publications............................189
138. Infoprint 3000 Printer Publications ........................189
139. Infoprint 4000 Printer Publications ........................189
140. Infoprint Color 100 Printer Publications ......................189
141. Infoprint Color 130 Plus Printer Publications ....................189
142. 4230 Printer Publications ...........................189
143. 4232 Printer Publications ...........................189
144. 4247 Printer Publications ...........................190
145. 4400 Printer Publications ...........................190
146. 6400 Line Matrix Printer............................190
147. Print Services Facility for OS/390 Publications ...................190
148. Print Services Facility/VM Publications ......................190
149. Print Services Facility/VSE Publications ......................190
150. Print Services Facility for AS/400 Publications....................191
151. Other AFP Products Publications ........................191
List of Tables xi