
Appendix A. AS/400 Global Services
The following appendix describes on-site support or services that are available. For
more information refer to the web site: http://www.as400.ibm.com/services
iSeries and AS/400 Data Migration Services
IBM has a fee-based service called AS/400 Data Migration Services, which moves
customer data migrated from existing disk units to new or replacement disk units.
You can do this without the need for a save and restore with tape. This procedure
decreases the overall time that is needed to perform an upgrade.
Selected hardware service representatives have been trained to deliver this service.
Only an AS/400 Data Migration Services trained hardware service representative
should attempt this procedure. This representative can assess the appropriateness
of this activity.
If you would like more information about AS/400 Data Migration Services, contact
your IBM iSeries 400 and AS/400 hardware service representative. Your IBM
iSeries 400 and AS/400 hardware service representative can perform the procedure
or put you in contact with the closest trained hardware service representative.
LPAR Planning and Implementation Services
It will assist a customer in planning and installing iSeries 400 and AS/400 logical
partitioning on a new or existing n-way server (Models 6xx, Sxx, 7xx, 8xx, or later).
This service will provide a planning session with the customer to ensure that all
known customer requirements are fully discussed with a final hardware and
software configuration and installation schedule provided. The services specialist
can also perform on-site implementation services to install, configure, and
optionally manage the new LPAR configuration.
For more information, contact your local IBM representative or business partner or
see the following Web site:
iSeries Planning and Migration Services
It will assist a customer in planning and migrating to the iSeries 400 V4R5 or later
server line. This service will provide a planning session with the customer to
ensure that all known customer requirements are fully discussed with a final
hardware and software configuration and installation plan provided. The services
specialist can also perform on-site services to upgrade the server to V5R1, convert
the CEC and IO using a new migration expansion unit (if required) and provide
additional migration services.
System Migration Services
IBM has a fee-based service offering called AS/400 System Migration Services,
which maximizes productivity when a customer installs a new iSeries server.
AS/400 System Migration Services can move the customers data from one system
and restore it to a new system by using tape. The new system may be the same
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