contain an asterisk (*). When an application requests a connection to a listening
socket, a new connection is created. The remote Internet address and remote port
are shown for the new connection. The listening socket always remains in the list
of connections.
Work with TCP/IP Connection Status
System: SYSNAM04
Local internet address ...........: *ALL
Type options, press Enter.
4=End 5=Display details
Remote Remote Local
Opt Address Port Port Idle Time State
* * ftp-con > 000:20:41 Listen
* * telnet 001:39:00 Listen
* * telnet 000:14:27 Listen
* * smtp 000:55:23 Listen
* * lpd 002:36:29 Listen
* * 1049 001:31:01 *UDP
* * 1050 001:28:02 *UDP
* * 1051 001:12:05 *UDP
* * 1052 001:09:52 *UDP
* * 1070 000:35:53 Listen 1211 telnet 000:10:17 Established
F5=Refresh F11=Display byte counts F13=Sort by column
F14=Display port numbers F22=Display entire field F24=More keys
Figure 29. Work with TCP/IP Connection Status, Display 1 of 3
Work with TCP/IP Connection Status
System: SYSNAM04
Local internet address ...........: *ALL
Type options, press Enter.
4=End 5=Display details
Remote Remote Local
Opt Address Port Port User Bytes Out Bytes In
* * ftp-con > QTCP 0 0
* * telnet QTCP 0 0
* * telnet QTCP 0 0
* * lpd QTCP 0 0
* * 1070 BILANSKY 0 0 1954 telnet QTCP 48583 815 1211 telnet QTCP 32319 4704 1024 telnet QTCP 403415 226141 1027 telnet QTCP 3831 236 2099 telnet QTCP 509788 15394 1125 telnet QTCP 680 34
F5=Refresh F11=Display connection type F13=Sort by column
F14=Display port numbers F22=Display entire field F24=More keys
Figure 30. Work with TCP/IP Connection Status, Display 2 of 3
Chapter 2. TCP/IP: Operation, Management, and Advanced Topics 39