
This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
5.5.1 Naming the Server
Enter the name you want to assign to this server.
This name identifies this server on the network and it has to be unique on the
network. Put some thought into naming your servers, as it will save you a lot of
duplication and effort during the life cycle of your network. You have the option
to change the name of the server later but some of the server-based applications
that you will install are dependent on the server name when they are operating.
These applications will cause you endless pain and effort if you want to change
their settings.
The name must be unique. You will not be allowed to use a name that is the
name of an existing domain in your network.
Note: Avoid using the name you intend to assign as the domain name later in
the process, as you will run into some obstacles when you reach that phase of
the process.
5.5.2 Selecting the Server Type
At this point you will be asked to select the server type. Setup gives you three
1. Primary domain controller (PDC)
Depending on the design of your network, you may have one or more
domains. For each domain, you will have only one primary domain
controller, which will have a unique domain name (as well as a unique
computer name). You can have several domains but only one primary
domain controller can exist on a network for any domain.
2. Backup domain controller (BDC)
For each primary domain controller, it may be appropriate that you also have
a backup domain controller to take over domain management functions if the
primary controller fails. The BDC keeps a copy of the account database that
resides on the primary controller.
3. Stand-alone server
This server type is typically secondary to the domain controllers. Depending
on your network design, it may be a single function server. The stand-alone
server acts in a peer-to-peer network capacity without the advanced security
features found on the primary domain controller.
Refer to the NT 4.0 documentation for more information on these server types.
In our testing, we selected our computer to function as the primary domain
controller. At this point, setup asks for the domain name. By default, setup
DOMAIN as the domain name. Refer to your network administrator for your
sites naming conventions. If you specify a domain name already in use, the
Windows NT server service will not start.
Chapter 5. Installing Windows NT Server 4.0 95