
emulating Epson single-station printer (continued)
connectivity differences 172
enabling 42
fully-supported commands 169
limitations 42
overview 41
unsupported commands 172
emulating Mod 3 or 4 printer
enabling with 4610 DBCS Installation Utility
Diskette 39
enabling with 4690 On-Line Terminal
Diagnostics 40
limitations 40
upload electronic journal data 163
enable feed buttons 138
enable the beeper 138
enable two-color printing 141
enable upside-down printing 139
erase flash EPROM sector command 121
error recovery command, set 135
exercise program command 107
extended address command 107
feed paper using minimum units command 149
fillers, installing
for RS-232/RS-485 printers 19
for USB printers 21
firmware, updating
4610 DBCS Installation Utility Diskette 36
4690 OS utility program 38
limitation 39
POSS for Windows 37
via RS-232 attachment 38
fix font matrix 141
flash memory
printing 41
usage 79
flash storage write command 121
character 93
files for DBCS code pages 33
impact printing 94
thermal printing 93
UDC files for DBCS code pages 36
fonts, character 93
form feed, and cut command 149
general description 77
generic code page 83
hardware requirements 8
hold printing command 157
horizontal tabs command, set 133
humidity requirements 7
immediate commands 79
impact code page 116
indicators, printer
models TF7 and TM7 63
models TI5 and TG5 47
information, planning 5
installation, Model TI5
fillers for USB printers 21
for RS-232/RS-485 communication 12
for USB communication 15
power-on self-test, models TI5 and TG5 55
preparation 11
problem determination, Models TI5 and TG5 59
testing, Models TI5 and TG5 55
unpacking 11
installation, models TF7 and TM7
power-on self-test, models TF7 and TM7 67
problem determination, models TF7 and TM7 70
testing, models TF7 and TM7 67
installing filler
for RS-232/RS-485 printer 19
introduction 3
invert command, set or cancel 127
landscape printing commands 159
left margin command, set 133
limitations 6
line spacing, minimum units 132
line spacing, select 1/6 131
line spacing, select 1/8 131
memory units 79
microcode tolerance (MCT)
loading command 122
request command 123
miscellaneous commands
generate drive pulse for cash drawer 153
paper cut/DI eject 153
retrieve flash storage 154
retrieve size of user flash storage 154
select printhead location 153
tab to next tab 152
model description 4
multipart form specifications 75
electronic emission 173
FCC statement 173
safety information xi
updated March 18, 2002
178 SureMark DBCS Users Guide