An image 2.75 in. by 5.5 in. that begins 0.25 in. from the left side, and 0.5
in. from the top of the document is stored with the tag data: 03/04/02
Example 2:
Method 3: X'1B 41 03 00 AF 01 DB 00 28 00 64 00 B4 00 64 00 64 00 96
00 96 00 64 00 19 01 13 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00'
Three separate areas are stored. No tag data is included. Table 25 provides
Table 25. Data table
Document width = 3 in. Document height=6in.
x0 = 1.75 in. y0 = 4.25 in.
dx0 = 0.40 in. dy0 = 1.0 in.
x1 = 1.80 in. y1 = 1.0 in.
dx1 = 1.0 in. dy1 = 1.50 in.
x2 = 1.50 in. y2 = 1.0 in.
dx2 = 0.25 in. dy2 = 2.75 in
x3 = not applicable y3 = not applicable
dx3 = not applicable dy3 = not applicable
Tag data, stored with the image, allows the user to include additional
information about the image. It must be an ASCII string, terminated by a
null character.
Example 3:
Method 0x11-Compress partial check image defined by user: X'1B 41 11 00
00 00 00 00 64 00 C8 00'
Retrieve the image using Retrieve Scanning Image command X'1B 39 00
Method 0x11-Compress another part of the check image: X'1B 41 11 00 64
00 C8 00 64 00 C8 00'
Retrieve the image using Retrieve Scanning Image command X'1B 39 00
Retrieve scanned image
EIA-232 syntax:
v n1, 2 bytes, Image location to retrieve
v n2, 4 bytes, Offset into image from which to retrieve data
v n3, 2 bytes, Number of bytes to retrieve
Image location (n1) of 0 returns the image last scanned. To return just a
part of the image from RAM, compress the partial image using Store
Scanned Image and/or select partial image for retrieval first. Offset (n2) and
size (n3) of 0 retrieve the header information for the specified image. When
n1 = 0, the header consists of the 12 data bytes and a null character for the
Updated April 2, 2009
172 SureMark Printers User’s Guide